Tuesday, May 14

Selling Identities: Racing Against Racism (Part 4)

Part Four - The Finish Line

Now that we know how ideologies function and the ways in which racist ideology presents and perpetuates itself in our society, are we prepared to start curtailing racism’s presence in our society? Or has the fact that ideology “pre-date[s] individuals and form[s] part of the determinate social formations and conditions in which individuals are born” forever doomed us to an existence predicated on racism (Hall 90)? If one thing is certain in Hank Willis Thomas’s mind, it is that forms of public discourse like the media need to shift their focus towards the production of truth and in turn, society must reign in its obstruction of autonomy through generalizing and stereotyping if our society is to make any progress in the race against racism.
"Basketball and Chain", 2003. Branded.

Works Cited
Hall, Stuart. "The Whites of Their Eyes: Racist Ideologies and the Media." Gender, Race, and Class in Media. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2003. 89-93. Print.
Mack, Joshua. "Hank Willis Thomas: Branded." Modern Painters June 2006: 112. Web.

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