Friday, May 17

It’s All About the Caption

            In “Photographs, Symbolic Images, and the Holocaust: on the (Im)possibility of depicting historical truth”, Judith Keilbach argues that Holocaust pictures exist even though the depicting the Holocaust itself through images is impossible.  The existence of Holocaust images, however, is possible because of the connections between history, photography, and truth.  Keilbach best describes this relationship through her interpretation of Kracauer’s ideas:
            “while both photography an d historicist thinking record the appearance of events without considering their meaning, history itself tries to grasp their meaning and thus that which ‘has been perceived as true.’  As a consequence, photography might be able to illustrate ‘the spatial configuration of a moment’ but not its truth” (58).
Knowing the history behind a photograph allows viewers to maintain some accuracy in assessing its meaning.  Although Keilbach uses the term “truth” here to describe a quality of reality that cannot be preserved or replicated, I will now refer to the truth of an image according to this undeniable physical, “spatial configuration of a moment” conveyed in images.  I now draw attention to the image of the soldier on the cover of Paris-Match magazine.  In Semiology, author Roland Barthes thoroughly describes the soldier’s features as indicators of pride in France and its imperialism.  While Barthes highlights the notion of national pride, I cannot ignore the historical implications of imperialism.  One of the most prominent historical results of imperialism is the expansion of slavery.  Looking at the image on the magazine elicits a feeling of national pride, but in historical context may have been a slave or former slave doing his duties. 
              This brings me to my next point about social context.  No matter under what conditions the photograph was originally taken, this image is put into context of society to depict French pride.  Keilbach discusses how “our imaginations of the Holocaust… are shaped by photographs that are part of our cultural memory” (55), a cultural memory that is shaped by historical context.  This next image is
in fact a Holocaust photograph.
  It shows an American soldier coming to free Jewish people from a concentration camp at the end of World War II.  This photograph, taken from the American point of view, depicts the soldier as a hero for saving them from the Holocaust.  Other images like the one on the right (not definitively taken from an American perspective) illustrate suffering which cultural memory usually assigns to the Holocaust.  The number of faces visible in this photograph represents the magnitude and widespread affect of the
Holocaust on the European population.
  In this blog, I will apply Keilbach’s emphasis on an image’s historical and societal context to photographs I have taken and to photographs of others.  My close reading of these photographs will evaluate the importance of physical and societal context in terms of understanding and interpreting the images’ meanings or implications.
            I will begin by discussing the truth of photographs in a physical context, arguing that photographs require caption in order to be best understood.  This first photograph, or set of photographs, is my most meaningful football picture.  Just looking at the photograph on the left, at the surface it is a poor quality photo; it is blurry due to a combination of fast motion and low lighting, and half of a woman’s (blurred) head infringes on the edge of the frame.  Below the surface lies the context
By Lisa Sinow
in which I am proud of this poor quality image.  As a photographer, I have taken thousands of perfectly focused and perfectly framed pictures of football and other sports, but this one is still my favorite because of its story or context.  The string of Facebook comments is about the photograph to its left.  The player in the photo Donovan Ward comments to his teammate “I knew I caught that shit” alluding to events of the game.  During the game, the referee had called this pass incomplete but according to my photographs Ward caught the ball.  This incidence is best summarized by the idea that “[a]lthough photographs may confirm a past presence, it is often not possible from their depiction to make out the incidents captured or the situation in which they were taken” (56).  This picture means so much to me because it captures the truth that Ward did indeed catch the ball, but the importance of this truth is denied without knowing “the situation in which [it was] taken.”  A caption is necessary to express this story and clearly identify what the truth depicted is.  The photograph to the right of the Facebook comments merely shows “the next pic” that Ward refers to.
                      Another image that would be better understood with caption is the photograph showing students being pepper sprayed in Davis, CA, during the Occupy movement a few years ago.  The truth of this picture is simply what is there: an officer is pepper spraying a group of students while many onlookers take pictures of this unusual occurrence and other officers act as crowd control.  While the
truth of the image is straightforward, revealing the context under which the photograph was taken nevertheless increases understanding of the image.
  Keilbach compare Barthes’ and Benjamin’s opinions in regards to the relationship between writing and photographs: “according to Barthes, who underlines their polysemic meaning and heir plenitude, photographs contain an overflow of information; according to Benjamin, photographs show too little reality, that is, they omit structures and context” (57).  Whether looking at images from Barthes’ perspective or from Benjamin’s perspective, either way both men run into trouble interpreting images.  With this image of Officer Pike, there is both too little and too much information.  There is too little information in that there is no guidance in how to interpret the image.  This lack of guidance allows for many possible interpretations.  Seeing only the uncaptioned image, as a viewer we have no idea what the students have done to provoke Officer Pike or if they even did anything to provoke him.  The infinite possibilities of how to interpret the image fall under the category of too much information.  A caption indicating the reasoning for pepper spraying students clarifies with whom the viewer is intended to sympathize.  Captions are “a way to select and anchor meaning” (57) of an image.
            My final example of needing context to clarify an image comes from the film Standard Operating Procedure by Errol Morris about the Abu Ghraib prison.  One of the pictures publicly released and shown on multiple occasions throughout the film is of England dragging a prisoner out of his cell by a leash.  What we see in the frame is England acting alone to abuse the prisoner.  Like the Paris-Match cover image and the Officer Pike image, a caption confesses the image’s context, both
what is beyond the frame and why she does this.  England reveals through a series of interviews in the film that the original image has been cropped, concealing one of her peers from scrutiny.  She also explains that she agreed to be in the picture because her boyfriend
Graner had asked her to.  She effectively displaces much of the blame that is originally placed solely on her.  Keilbach summarizes Benjamin’s idea that written information is necessary in order to read photographs with a “claim to authenticity” (56).  In this case, England’s interviews act as the written information conveying authenticity.  This authenticity comes from the photographer, the subject, or both.  We accept England’s perspective as authentic, influencing how we perceive the image of her.
            Another context that influences an image’s perception is social context.  Because photographs are recognized as proof of a past existence, images shown repeatedly create a symbolic meaning understood as part of a collective memory shared with others allowing for mutual interpretations of certain events (54).  One such event is America’s involvement in the Vietnam War.  The first image
depicts a bunch of soldiers trying to protect themselves from an air raid around them.  Most notably, the soldier lying on the ground and the soldier in middle, who appears to be supported by his comrades, appear to be injured.  Just as “the landscape pictures…[which] illustrate the tracelessness of extinction, favor an ‘abstract’ discussion of the Holocaust without triggering an imagination of what had actually happened inside the concentration camps” (62), the image of the fallen soldiers elicits a sense of evil and suffering.  Because the traumatizing images from war are so widely dispersed, many people interpret them in a similar fashion.  This common interpretation among many allows these images to be entered into public memory.  The images of injured soldiers deeply affected many Americans causing them to speak out and protest the war.  
            Although pictures become part of public memory through widespread mutual interpretations, photographs can also be chosen to depict a specific societal belief.  In terms of the Holocaust, “[as official] pictures became part of the Allied information program, and their publication was done for educational, moral, and political reasons, they showed the situation in the camps in a specific way.  The pictorial motifs in them corresponded with the (subsequent) legitimization of the war, and so they present a picture of the inhumanity with which the prisoners had been treated and their subsequent rescue by Allied soldiers” (66-67).  This reaction to images also existed during the Vietnam War.  The second image from the Vietnam War shows a bunch of children running away from obvious destruction behind them.  The child in the center of the image is completely naked.  The image of
children, especially nakedness associated with babies, represents a weakness and innocence, allowing people to recognize the negative impacts of the war.  This image confirms and builds upon the growing discontent with the war among American citizens.  In the case of public images like these war photographs, mass media and public perception act as a caption which influences how we perceive them.  They provide us as viewers with the context we need to form an understanding of what is being depicted.
            Historical and social context is key in understanding the truth of an image and its implications.  Keilbach’s interpretation of the relationships between historical context and photography and between the societal interpretation and images indicate the necessity of a caption, or at least the additional information conveyed in captions.

Works Cited
Photographs, Symbolic Images, and the Holocaust: On the (IM)Possibility of Depicting Historical Truth
Judith Keilbach and Kirsten Wächter
History and Theory , Vol. 48, No. 2, Theme Issue 47: Historical Representation and Historical Truth (May, 2009), pp. 54-76
Published by: Wiley for Wesleyan University
Article Stable URL:

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